Community Engagement
At Condon Early Learning Center, we are not only a school, we are a community! Our parents are our partners. We have an Open Door Policy, welcoming families into our classrooms at all times, and provide regular, ongoing communication with families as we collaborate to best support you and your child. We offer both social and educational opportunities for our families to come together and support each other through the wonderful and challenging experience of parenting.
Worlds Of Color Art Exhibit
At Condon Early Learning Center, we recognize that art is one of the key ways young children express themselves, and art therefore makes up an important part of our curriculum.
In October of 2020, we hosted an art show, made up entirely of masterpieces created by our children with the support of our artist in residence, Mason Eubanks. In true Condon style, we welcomed members of our community including Mr. James Andres and the Condon High School Band and Ms. Haylee Potter to bring music to the event.
Our families came to enjoy the display and to purchase works of art in support of our school. Together, our community raised over $2000 to support our school and had a fabulous time! Half of the proceeds from this wonderful event went toward our Tuition for Tots Scholarship program!
Positive Parenting Program
Our Positive Parenting Program, or Triple P, offers Primary Care, Level 3, and individual and group support meetings. Individual support meetings, both in person and virtual, for families dealing with common challenges such as toilet training, fighting and aggression, separation, and bedtime challenges, can be scheduled as needed. We also offer group discussions on managing fighting and aggression, developing good bedtime routines, dealing with disobedience and hassle-free shopping with children.
Parent Café
Our Parent Café is a small parent group with parent driven, structured discussions. Our mission is to provide a safe, warm and welcoming environment for individual reflection, peer to peer learning, opportunity to exploring strengths, learning Protective Factors, and creating strategies from their own experiences to help strengthen their families.
Parent Committee
Our Parent Committee is a group of parents who volunteer their time and talents to help school leadership with ideas and decision making related to activities at Condon Early Learning Center. They meet with the Director, Education Manager and Teachers several times per year and play a critical role in shaping our future.
Our Parent Committee supports our school in many wonderful ways, like packing Family Activity Boxes for our community or preparing ornament decorating kits for our Annual Fall Festival Fundraiser. They also help with the organization and implementation of family activities and events throughout the year.
Volunteer Requirement
As a nonprofit organization, relying heavily upon grants to keep our tuition low, we need to demonstrate community support. Therefore, each family must provide a minimum of 3 hours of volunteer efforts every quarter. Volunteerism can look different for each family and can often be completed from your home. We strive to find the right volunteer opportunity for each family.
Local Artist, Molly, Painting the Backdrop to Our Mural
This exciting mural project was funded with the art and music grant money received through the City of Condon Art and Music Grant. Molly painted the backdrop and soon our children will add the details! Stay tuned...
Volunteers Building Fencing Around our Garden
A special project funded through our Gilliam County special projects grant.
Board Members Building a Fence Around Our Playgrounds